What Are Common Problems With Brakes?
Unless you’re a mechanic or skilled at working on your own car or truck, brakes and the many things that can go wrong with them can seem a bit confusing and overwhelming.

You know what they do and how important they are for the safety of not only you and your family, but also for other people traveling on the roadways. But how exactly do they work?
There are many things that can go wrong with brakes so it’s important to stay on top of them and to have them checked periodically. And at the first sign of trouble, to have them examined by a professional.
A few of the things to watch out for in regards to your brakes include:
Unusual Noises
If you begin noticing grinding noises or loud squeaks when applying your brakes, this is a good sign that something is wrong. You should probably make an appointment with your mechanic as soon as possible to have them checked out.
Even the highest quality brakes don’t last forever and they’re going to give out sometime. If you hear these warning signs, take the “better safe than sorry” approach and have them examined by a professional.

Leaking Fluid
This is usually a sign of a minor problem with your brake system. But if you begin noticing leaking fluids, you need to find the source of the leak and have it repaired.
It’s often (not always) an easy fix, but one that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. A lack of fluid to the brakes can lead to major problems on the road and this is something you obviously want to avoid at all costs.
Find the leak yourself or have your mechanic check things out for you. But either way, don’t put this off as what is possibly a small problem now could become a much larger one in the near future.
Car Pulls To One Side
If your car pulls to one side when applying the brakes, this could also mean a problem with your brake system. It could also be a different problem entirely, but either way it should be checked out.
A bad brake hose or caliper issue could lead to one brake working while the other doesn’t, causing the car to pull to one side when you’re attempting to slow down or stop.
But whether it’s this or another issue, you don’t want to be out driving on the roadways with what could be an accident waiting to happen. See your mechanic as soon as possible.

Brake Light Is On
This seems like a no-brainer, but one that we definitely need to include on our list. If your brake light comes on, as with any other red light on your dashboard, get it checked out immediately.
There are a number of things associated with your braking system that could be causing the light to illuminate. But one thing is almost certainly true – something is wrong!
Most mechanics have machines these days that they can hook up to your car and determine exactly where to look for the problem. So schedule an appointment and find out.
Wobbling When Braking
If your car starts wobbling or vibrating when applying your brakes, get into your mechanic and have them check things out as soon as you’re able to do so.
This is likely a problem with your brake rotors, but your mechanic will be able to tell you for sure.

Smells Like Something Is Burning
If you begin noticing something that smells like chemical odors, this could be a sign of overheated brakes and is something you definitely need to take notice of.
If this occurs, it’s a good idea to pull over to the side of the road and let your car and your brakes cool down. If the brake caliper is malfunctioning, it could be unsafe to continue driving so proceed with caution.
It might be a good idea to call for roadside assistance if this is the case.